Coach and retreat leader, Michael Warden, explains beautifully why the wilderness is a place of encounter. Rather than empty and silent, a retreat into the wild explodes with life-giving messages beyond words. Everyone will hear something. We just have to make ourselves available. Click on the photo above for his beautiful photography and compelling essay. […]
This feature-length documentary is an up-close and personal look into the dynamics of a life-long friendship between two best friends – Justin Skeesuck and Patrick Gray – as they travel the 34-day, 500-mile Camino de Santiago across mountains, deserts, hills and valleys. The story begins with Patrick answering the invitation to push Justin in his […]
Janet wrote a wonderful summary about the Camino experience. If you want to know more about what it’s like, and its potential outcomes, she does a nice job articulating what it’s like for so many people. You can read her post here: Walking Spain’s Camino: A Journey of the Spirit That Inspires & Transforms
Spain pilgrimages are available! Other countries are under development. Please give us your input so that we know what is important to you. Check back frequently for updates about new pilgrimages.